Our Contributing Partners
Thank you for your support!
DIRECTOR ($10,000-$25,000)
Chris & Tina Kirwan
KEY GRIP ($5,000-$9,999)
PRINCIPAL ROLE ($3,000-$4,999)
SUPPORTING ROLE ($1,000-$2,999)
Berkshire Risk Services, LLC
Mike & Paula Brekken
David & Suzanne Campbell
Rev. Richard & Mary Etta Copeland
Kathi & Landry Ingham
James & Diane Lee
Michael & Sue Lubbers
Darren & Kim McChesney
Mike & Sarah Peterson
Rusty & Melissa Roeger
Carolyn Unruh
ENSEMBLE ROLE ($500-$999)
Don & Pam Arnott
Alan & Maribeth Brennaman
The Didier Family
The Henry Family
Gabriel & Ann Hernandez
Scott & Tina Herold
Kevin & Stephanie Makalous
Rita Oplotnik
The Siegel Family
Robin Stubenhofer
CALL BACKS ($150-$499)
Robb & Gretchen Aerni
The Avery Family
The Brown Family
Michele Bushart
William & Mary Cross
The Croutch Family
Tyler & Carrie Dohogne
The Epps Family
Michelle Fabac
General Mills
The Greenfield Family
Betsy Heitman
Perry Henry
Darren & Mitty Jewett
Michael Kauphusman
Jason & Heather Meisenheimer
Lance & Lissa Melber
Randy & Mary Nordstrom
The Olsen Family
Douglas Pearson
Mary Sheridan
Dr. John & Christina Williamson, DDS
Miles & Judy Yakre
AUDITION ($25-$149)
The Amos Family
Chris & Dana Arth
Deanna Brekken
Gwen Brown
Curt & Carri Cline
Dana Cooper
Jon & Heidi Copeland
Charles & Pam Davis
Sandra Dobbles
Robbie Doerste
Robert & Freda Durbin
Linda Dwork
Kevin Fritz
Amy Gilman
Elizabeth Haag
Anne-Marie Halverson
Kristi Harrison
Chris & Mary Huwe
The Janeway Family
Kim Lewis
Ray & Suzy Makalous
Lynzee Malan
Mary Lew McCarty
Curt & Nancy McConnell
Melea McRae
The Montemayor Family
Jules & Vivian Nazzaro
The Nordstrom Family
Pamela Novosel
Brian Oliver
Linda & Rocky Plouvier
Duane & Wanda Pollman
The Sambo Family
Joseph Brant Schneider
Dr. Frank Spalitto
April Tebbe
Kent & Paula Thompson
Suzanne Weeks
Larry & Brenda Weigel
Nicholas & Heidi Weigel
David Dean White
Amy Wilson
The Zimmer Family
*We are responsible to tax accountants, our Board of Directors, and the Partners of Stageworx, a division of react Company. This is a non-voting partnership and we pledge to be wise stewards of your generosity. Stageworx is a member in good standing at the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation.
Chris & Tina Kirwan
KEY GRIP ($5,000-$9,999)
PRINCIPAL ROLE ($3,000-$4,999)
SUPPORTING ROLE ($1,000-$2,999)
Berkshire Risk Services, LLC
Mike & Paula Brekken
David & Suzanne Campbell
Rev. Richard & Mary Etta Copeland
Kathi & Landry Ingham
James & Diane Lee
Michael & Sue Lubbers
Darren & Kim McChesney
Mike & Sarah Peterson
Rusty & Melissa Roeger
Carolyn Unruh
ENSEMBLE ROLE ($500-$999)
Don & Pam Arnott
Alan & Maribeth Brennaman
The Didier Family
The Henry Family
Gabriel & Ann Hernandez
Scott & Tina Herold
Kevin & Stephanie Makalous
Rita Oplotnik
The Siegel Family
Robin Stubenhofer
CALL BACKS ($150-$499)
Robb & Gretchen Aerni
The Avery Family
The Brown Family
Michele Bushart
William & Mary Cross
The Croutch Family
Tyler & Carrie Dohogne
The Epps Family
Michelle Fabac
General Mills
The Greenfield Family
Betsy Heitman
Perry Henry
Darren & Mitty Jewett
Michael Kauphusman
Jason & Heather Meisenheimer
Lance & Lissa Melber
Randy & Mary Nordstrom
The Olsen Family
Douglas Pearson
Mary Sheridan
Dr. John & Christina Williamson, DDS
Miles & Judy Yakre
AUDITION ($25-$149)
The Amos Family
Chris & Dana Arth
Deanna Brekken
Gwen Brown
Curt & Carri Cline
Dana Cooper
Jon & Heidi Copeland
Charles & Pam Davis
Sandra Dobbles
Robbie Doerste
Robert & Freda Durbin
Linda Dwork
Kevin Fritz
Amy Gilman
Elizabeth Haag
Anne-Marie Halverson
Kristi Harrison
Chris & Mary Huwe
The Janeway Family
Kim Lewis
Ray & Suzy Makalous
Lynzee Malan
Mary Lew McCarty
Curt & Nancy McConnell
Melea McRae
The Montemayor Family
Jules & Vivian Nazzaro
The Nordstrom Family
Pamela Novosel
Brian Oliver
Linda & Rocky Plouvier
Duane & Wanda Pollman
The Sambo Family
Joseph Brant Schneider
Dr. Frank Spalitto
April Tebbe
Kent & Paula Thompson
Suzanne Weeks
Larry & Brenda Weigel
Nicholas & Heidi Weigel
David Dean White
Amy Wilson
The Zimmer Family
*We are responsible to tax accountants, our Board of Directors, and the Partners of Stageworx, a division of react Company. This is a non-voting partnership and we pledge to be wise stewards of your generosity. Stageworx is a member in good standing at the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation.